Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mug Shots?

OH NO! I'm falling behind on reading up on my fellow bloggers. Finally a couple of days off. Well deserved after the fiasco on Friday...

So apparently, last year when I received a ticket for not wearing my seat belt, I missed my court date. Called an hour after I was supposed to be there and they let it slide even though technically they were supposed to suspend my license. I went to court, talked to the judge, got off for "good behavior" and paid my $35.00 court fee.

Funny story, Friday morning, on my way to work, I was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt... Again. Click It or Ticket... I understand. Officer had to give me a ticket, but when he walked back up to my window he didn't have anything in his hands. I got a little excited but that quickly faded when he asked me to turn off the engine and step out of my vehicle... I was driving with a suspended license and was to be taken into custody. I explained the situation and another officer pulled up. They allowed me to call my work to tell them I was going to be... A little late... And call my Dad who was right around the corner. Having to follow protocol, I left my keys with the other officer, hand-cuffed, and put in the back seat of the cruiser.

On the way to the precinct, the officer (who I found out later I was related too which made things worse) found the dates of my so-called suspension and it was from LAST YEAR. He also thought the whole thing was ridiculous, but I had to be processed. Good thing I had AWESOME hair that morning because I was not only finger printed (after removing the handcuffs) but they also took my mug shots (which I'm trying to get copies of). I was taken back into the waiting room instead of a holding cell because my Dad was waiting for me. He called the Town Municipal Court of North Kingstown and they looked in their records after hearing I was "in jail" by a very unhappy father and no word of a lie said something to the amounts of, "Oops, I'm sorry, I guess it wasn't processed." and then tried to pass the buck to a woman who was supposedly away. His response was, "A YEAR AGO?!" Yeah, not happy. So anyway. I was supposed to be at work for 10am and I arrived at 10:55am which isn't bad at all. Processed in less than 45 minutes and released? RECORD TIME! My job completely understood which was great and suddenly I was the coolest kid at the hospital. WEIRD!

That night I took my brother to his first concert and just my luck, FLOOR SEATS! Totally made up for the day. Kip Moore about 60-100ft away? I'll take it. He was the happiest kid ever. I blame it all on my friend Rosie... She's the best.

Saturday I worked and then went to the first Roller Derby bout of the season with a few girls from work and we made our way to a local bar and then of course... Karaoke had to happen. Rocked it... Hard... Pulled an all nighter and started my Casting Call video today for Brantley. I have to say... It turned out to be a pretty great weekend... Minus being arrested.

Brantley may be headed to Cherry Croft again this week while I wait to hear our Casting Call results...


At March 25, 2013 at 1:22 AM , Blogger L.Williams said...


At March 25, 2013 at 8:31 AM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

I was more scared of calling my Dad to come pick up the Jeep than I was to be thrown in a police car... What does that say? Hahaha


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: Mug Shots?

Mug Shots?

OH NO! I'm falling behind on reading up on my fellow bloggers. Finally a couple of days off. Well deserved after the fiasco on Friday...

So apparently, last year when I received a ticket for not wearing my seat belt, I missed my court date. Called an hour after I was supposed to be there and they let it slide even though technically they were supposed to suspend my license. I went to court, talked to the judge, got off for "good behavior" and paid my $35.00 court fee.

Funny story, Friday morning, on my way to work, I was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt... Again. Click It or Ticket... I understand. Officer had to give me a ticket, but when he walked back up to my window he didn't have anything in his hands. I got a little excited but that quickly faded when he asked me to turn off the engine and step out of my vehicle... I was driving with a suspended license and was to be taken into custody. I explained the situation and another officer pulled up. They allowed me to call my work to tell them I was going to be... A little late... And call my Dad who was right around the corner. Having to follow protocol, I left my keys with the other officer, hand-cuffed, and put in the back seat of the cruiser.

On the way to the precinct, the officer (who I found out later I was related too which made things worse) found the dates of my so-called suspension and it was from LAST YEAR. He also thought the whole thing was ridiculous, but I had to be processed. Good thing I had AWESOME hair that morning because I was not only finger printed (after removing the handcuffs) but they also took my mug shots (which I'm trying to get copies of). I was taken back into the waiting room instead of a holding cell because my Dad was waiting for me. He called the Town Municipal Court of North Kingstown and they looked in their records after hearing I was "in jail" by a very unhappy father and no word of a lie said something to the amounts of, "Oops, I'm sorry, I guess it wasn't processed." and then tried to pass the buck to a woman who was supposedly away. His response was, "A YEAR AGO?!" Yeah, not happy. So anyway. I was supposed to be at work for 10am and I arrived at 10:55am which isn't bad at all. Processed in less than 45 minutes and released? RECORD TIME! My job completely understood which was great and suddenly I was the coolest kid at the hospital. WEIRD!

That night I took my brother to his first concert and just my luck, FLOOR SEATS! Totally made up for the day. Kip Moore about 60-100ft away? I'll take it. He was the happiest kid ever. I blame it all on my friend Rosie... She's the best.

Saturday I worked and then went to the first Roller Derby bout of the season with a few girls from work and we made our way to a local bar and then of course... Karaoke had to happen. Rocked it... Hard... Pulled an all nighter and started my Casting Call video today for Brantley. I have to say... It turned out to be a pretty great weekend... Minus being arrested.

Brantley may be headed to Cherry Croft again this week while I wait to hear our Casting Call results...