Saturday, January 4, 2014

Back In The Saddle

Stolen from my old job's Facebook...

This photo is perfect for the last couple of days. But very happy to say, I GOT TO RIDE MY HORSE. Of course I got half way there and realized I left my saddle in the Volvo, but picked up my phone and asked K if I could borrow hers. Usually I get all my barn work done but I didn't want there to be a chance I couldn't get on my horse. Tacked up, went to the arena, sent him around the ring. Trotting was okay, cantering? BUCK BUCK BUCK! I was like, "What the hell..." Oh well, I got on anyway. He was actually really really nervous when I got on. With a "screw it" I dropped the rein and asked him to trot freely around the ring. He didn't want to stay on the rail so I pushed him any time he tried to cut across or circle. He started to get quick so I took a deep breath to relax and said, "Ok... Don't kill me." We took a few lope strides and he stopped. Not going to lose this battle... *squeeze* *kiss* And we're loping!

We ended the ride with a rub down on his shoulders and hindquarters while I was still on him. If you know anything about B... This is a big deal. He scooted a little when I went to rub his butt. I asked him to flex and be supple and I tried again. Success. Definitely have some catching up to do since I haven't been able to really ride and work on anything under saddle since the show *fail*. But I have to keep my head up and his head down. I did it before, I can do it again.

Worked a little with Comic again tonight. Our new family member Sharon came to watch and had a lot of nice comments to say about how he was before and after I worked with him. I actually sent him over a little jumpy which he completely knocked over but it didn't seem to bother him. We tried again and he tucked and over it. I really hope that Nat gets to ride tomorrow. She said she had a really successful ride after last time I worked with him. *fingers crossed*

I have the next two days off. Was going to go check out CB's clinic in the AM but Dad's coming home from his business "trip" and I would rather pick him up vs. having my Mother do it. Pony Date with the Cherry Croft girls on Monday!


At January 4, 2014 at 8:28 PM , Blogger L.Williams said...

ahahaha that picture, those poor goats!

At January 4, 2014 at 10:33 PM , Blogger Semi Feral Equestrian said...

The picture is my favorite too! I only do chores once a week or so and I feel that way regardless! Always something going crazy, especially with this winter weather. Not sure how I feel about the -61 windchill we are now expecting.

At January 5, 2014 at 8:59 AM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

-61? Holy crap!

At January 6, 2014 at 6:21 PM , Blogger Karley said...

Woo hoo riding!!! And that snow picture- dannnng!

At January 6, 2014 at 10:35 PM , Blogger Semi Feral Equestrian said...

Well, pfft, they exaggerated. It only ended up like -47.

At January 7, 2014 at 9:18 AM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

I'm still not jealous :) Unless there's snow... I'm itching to go on a snow ride.

At January 7, 2014 at 9:20 AM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

I feel so much better since I got back on. It was one of those... Why am I living situations hahaha. Pony time fixes all.


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: Back In The Saddle

Back In The Saddle

Stolen from my old job's Facebook...

This photo is perfect for the last couple of days. But very happy to say, I GOT TO RIDE MY HORSE. Of course I got half way there and realized I left my saddle in the Volvo, but picked up my phone and asked K if I could borrow hers. Usually I get all my barn work done but I didn't want there to be a chance I couldn't get on my horse. Tacked up, went to the arena, sent him around the ring. Trotting was okay, cantering? BUCK BUCK BUCK! I was like, "What the hell..." Oh well, I got on anyway. He was actually really really nervous when I got on. With a "screw it" I dropped the rein and asked him to trot freely around the ring. He didn't want to stay on the rail so I pushed him any time he tried to cut across or circle. He started to get quick so I took a deep breath to relax and said, "Ok... Don't kill me." We took a few lope strides and he stopped. Not going to lose this battle... *squeeze* *kiss* And we're loping!

We ended the ride with a rub down on his shoulders and hindquarters while I was still on him. If you know anything about B... This is a big deal. He scooted a little when I went to rub his butt. I asked him to flex and be supple and I tried again. Success. Definitely have some catching up to do since I haven't been able to really ride and work on anything under saddle since the show *fail*. But I have to keep my head up and his head down. I did it before, I can do it again.

Worked a little with Comic again tonight. Our new family member Sharon came to watch and had a lot of nice comments to say about how he was before and after I worked with him. I actually sent him over a little jumpy which he completely knocked over but it didn't seem to bother him. We tried again and he tucked and over it. I really hope that Nat gets to ride tomorrow. She said she had a really successful ride after last time I worked with him. *fingers crossed*

I have the next two days off. Was going to go check out CB's clinic in the AM but Dad's coming home from his business "trip" and I would rather pick him up vs. having my Mother do it. Pony Date with the Cherry Croft girls on Monday!