Monday, January 19, 2015

Ben & Brantley Video

Video from today! Brantley did awesome. Really not surprised! In this video you'll see those small serpentines that I rave about all the time. It gets the horse to really get a bend, follow his nose, flex in his hips, and learn to pick up his shoulders in the turn...

Plus it's just a really good exercise if your horse tends to be a little quick and not able to find his/her feet. I recommend everyone giving it a try. The point is to get the horse's rib to respond and bend around your leg while following the circle starting from their nose. You get the horse walking out, keep one hand at the buckle, slide your hand down, and point their nose. Before they start to go straight again, slide the opposite hand down after returning back to the buckle and repeat.

It's an awesome reset button and way to keep your horse's mind on you. If you try it! Let me know what you think!


At January 20, 2015 at 7:25 PM , Blogger Kitty Kat said...

Nice video. My trainer has had us do similar, back and forth across the short side of the arena, it really makes them pat attention to you, even if begrudgingly lol.

At January 21, 2015 at 11:52 AM , Blogger emma said...

interesting exercise - i'll need to give this a try since my mare is suddenly feeling like bend can only happen in one direction lol. glad B is doing so well!!!

At January 22, 2015 at 1:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I do big serpentines all the time, but I bet doing the smaller ones (especially at the walk) would really help loosen Miles up.


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Ben & Brantley Video

Video from today! Brantley did awesome. Really not surprised! In this video you'll see those small serpentines that I rave about all the time. It gets the horse to really get a bend, follow his nose, flex in his hips, and learn to pick up his shoulders in the turn...

Plus it's just a really good exercise if your horse tends to be a little quick and not able to find his/her feet. I recommend everyone giving it a try. The point is to get the horse's rib to respond and bend around your leg while following the circle starting from their nose. You get the horse walking out, keep one hand at the buckle, slide your hand down, and point their nose. Before they start to go straight again, slide the opposite hand down after returning back to the buckle and repeat.

It's an awesome reset button and way to keep your horse's mind on you. If you try it! Let me know what you think!