Monday, June 22, 2015

Hand to Hold

Many things going on in the blog world - good and bad. Thinking of you who are going through really tough times and I wish there were words I could pass along to make things go easier. Just time... All it takes his time. It will get worse before it gets better but I promise you there is a light, I've seen it and so will you. For those who are reaching your goals and succeeding, congratulations and keep it up. It is beyond well deserved. We're here for support, to cheer each other on, and virtually hold each other's hands through those tough times and I am grateful for every one of you.

N. Kingstown Dover had their Tent Sale this weekend and since we had no pony adventures planned and E is on the mend, Wendy and I went on a mini spree. Very mini. I bought the B-man a very much needed teal saddle pad, a smaller girth to make up for lack of grass, some Sore-No-More Spray Liniment (loving it so far), and a new bit.
Last year I fell in love with the Happy Mouth I borrowed from Pretty's owner. I bought another one at the beginning of the year (full-cheek) and Brantley has been doing pretty well with it. I had this nagging feeling that, although he's always fit in a 5, this bit was just too small. A barrel racer friend was talking about how a lot of people are going up to 5.25 - 5.5 where she's running so I said, what the hell and picked up the D-ring with the copper roller in a 5.5. By god he loves it - or at least seems to. Scrubbing my full-cheek and trading it in for the 5.5. I think we've found our bit of choice!

We had another awesome hack in English tack today. I'm really focusing on getting my seat centered and my heels down - riding like I do in my barrel saddle. I don't know what my issue is - I have complete lack of confidence when I ride English! Just can't kick it yet, but it'll get better I'm sure. He squared right up to the mounting block today and didn't even flick his tail when I threw my leg over...

#winning #sayiwont


At June 23, 2015 at 11:04 AM , Blogger emma said...

very nice words about the blogging community - in a way it's pretty incredible how supportive this little group of like minded strangers can be! glad B likes the new bit!

At June 23, 2015 at 12:49 PM , Blogger L.Williams said...

Time, a blessing and a curse.

At June 23, 2015 at 4:10 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

Thanks for being a part of it!

At June 23, 2015 at 4:11 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

People try to say, "All it takes is time." But time is something that not all of us have unfortunately. You have to be thankful for every day no matter how hard it may be.

At June 23, 2015 at 7:57 PM , Blogger Jodi said...

I love the beginning of this post, very well said. Also, you will get better and more confidence in English tack. I have full faith :)


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Hand to Hold

Many things going on in the blog world - good and bad. Thinking of you who are going through really tough times and I wish there were words I could pass along to make things go easier. Just time... All it takes his time. It will get worse before it gets better but I promise you there is a light, I've seen it and so will you. For those who are reaching your goals and succeeding, congratulations and keep it up. It is beyond well deserved. We're here for support, to cheer each other on, and virtually hold each other's hands through those tough times and I am grateful for every one of you.

N. Kingstown Dover had their Tent Sale this weekend and since we had no pony adventures planned and E is on the mend, Wendy and I went on a mini spree. Very mini. I bought the B-man a very much needed teal saddle pad, a smaller girth to make up for lack of grass, some Sore-No-More Spray Liniment (loving it so far), and a new bit.
Last year I fell in love with the Happy Mouth I borrowed from Pretty's owner. I bought another one at the beginning of the year (full-cheek) and Brantley has been doing pretty well with it. I had this nagging feeling that, although he's always fit in a 5, this bit was just too small. A barrel racer friend was talking about how a lot of people are going up to 5.25 - 5.5 where she's running so I said, what the hell and picked up the D-ring with the copper roller in a 5.5. By god he loves it - or at least seems to. Scrubbing my full-cheek and trading it in for the 5.5. I think we've found our bit of choice!

We had another awesome hack in English tack today. I'm really focusing on getting my seat centered and my heels down - riding like I do in my barrel saddle. I don't know what my issue is - I have complete lack of confidence when I ride English! Just can't kick it yet, but it'll get better I'm sure. He squared right up to the mounting block today and didn't even flick his tail when I threw my leg over...

#winning #sayiwont