First Few Days at Cherry Croft

Today was Brantley's Day #1 with Ben. The round pen was still flooded but Ben didn't want to waste any more time so we brought him in the indoor and he put him through the paces on the ground. His goal is to go through B's foundation and find the holes, fill them, then cement them in place and it will be my job to keep up with that. I know I can do it.
He started the boy on the line and he was nervous and a little jumpy at first like he usually is with someone new. He warmed up and relaxed after a few transitions and direction changes on the line. Finally he started to breathe a bit and Ben focused on him SLOWING down and thinking about where he's going to put his feet and not just blowing through the line and spinning off into the direction change. Brantley was a little rusty with the movements that we had down pat but as Brent said at the clinic, you can see where he just goes through the motions instead of thinking about it.

They moved back to something that Brantley knew then worked on the rope and introducing the pressure of the girth and back strap around his belly and back to his flank. At first he raised his head and was nervous but after a few times he relaxed and stopped moving but DIDN'T SHUT DOWN! YAY! He dropped his head and licked and chewed and even turned his head, tipping his nose towards Ben like he was watching what he was doing. They then worked on some turn and go's off the ground, something Mason (my brother) loves doing with him. He went to toss the rope over his head expecting him to freak out but was very impressed that he didn't.
I can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes. They'll review a few things that they did today and hopefully if the round pen dries out he'll start him out there. Can't wait to hear the update!
Go B!
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