Monday, December 12, 2016

Strides for Success Christmas Challenge

I don't know about any of you, but I feel like part of me definitely feels like the above picture. The part of me that doesn't feel that way is definitely my horse side. I've definitely accomplished some pretty awesome things in the last year with my pony friends and I couldn't be happier about it. Now as it gets closer to 2017, I'm ready to start with a bang. 

The plan is to actually move back to Melody Farm and take advantage of the indoor for a few months! Especially because I've signed up for a couple of super awesome clinics that I can't wait for and have already talked to a trainer to work with through the winter... Where am I finding all this money? I haven't really found it yet but, it'll all work out right? I need to take advantage of the point that I'm not paying rent right now... I should save... But ponies.

Over the last couple of years I kept getting drawn to a website called which I'm not sure if you've heard about it (most of you may have because you're way more on the pony-ball than I am) but it's basically a site you can join and listen to audio riding lessons. I kept thinking... Well this is dumb... Can I really learn anything by just... Listening and not watching? Luckily, they are doing a 12 Day Christmas Challenge which comes with a free trial of the audio lessons! 

Thank you.

Today was Day 1 for me (it's not too late to join in!) and we had to pick a picture and a word that described 2016 for you and your horse. So I picked the super awesome shot Kate got at the Sinead Halpin clinic down in New Jersey and my word was #inspired.

Our relationship of 2016 and everything that we have experienced has definitely inspired what we're working towards in 2017, and I can't wait! 

In return for joining the #SFS12DaysofChristmas Challenge, I get to listen to this week's lesson... Which I did... And I took notes. Yes, I took notes. On a piece of paper... And although it was a lot of stuff I already knew, it was great to listen to and I was actually able to pick apart what I do wrong without even being on my horse. It was pretty great to just sit and concentrate one what she was saying instead of trying to ride, listen, and fix the issues... while your horse might just go bucking and bolting across the arena.

(Not that I would trade it for anything, but it's definitely cheaper!)

The first audio lesson lasted about 15 minutes but the whole week (marked Monday thru Friday) is available to you. I like that she portions them like that though. Then there's a checklist and a notepad you can type in and it will keep it filed for you in your account which is also pretty cool.

This week's lesson is on "Riding Straight through Transitions". The first lesson went through the things that a rider may lose as soon as the trainer says, "Okay, I want you to transition up into the canter... in the corner." She discusses riders being unable to relax therefore causing parts of the body to tense and not allowing the transition to just... happen. Sometimes causing the inability to keep contact, lose impulsion, and ultimately straightness, balance, and confidence.

I would definitely check it out, we'll see what tomorrow's lesson brings. It's something to do on a crappy, rainy, cold day that's for sure. Plus she has an accent so it kept my attention for sure... I tend to fidget a lot with Brantley these days especially in our transitions so he tends to run out in front of me and things completely fall apart. Mostly it's just me overthinking and just not riding.

Hoping everyone had an amazing weekend, hopefully I will get to ride in the upcoming days before the weekend. Oh the Holidays! #petsittinglife


At December 13, 2016 at 12:33 AM , Blogger L.Williams said...

hmm I might have to check it out since I'm not riding as much as I used to or lessoning as much as I used to these days.

At December 13, 2016 at 7:17 AM , Blogger emma said...

Ooh sounds like an interesting series! And yup that idea of letting the canter transition fall apart pretty accurately describes my rides too lol

At December 13, 2016 at 12:27 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

I'd definitely check it out! Let me know what you think. It's $35 per month I think for the membership which I'm not sure I really want to add that to my monthly bills but... We'll see.

At December 13, 2016 at 12:32 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

We've spent so much time just getting the whole being under saddle thing down that I was so lazy when asking for transitions. Now that I'm trying to ask him to stay balance and move correctly and not really knowing what I'm doing with my own body, he's getting pretty pissy about it hahaha. "I can't just... Fall into the canter mom?" "No Brantley... You up to transition up and together into the canter." "Fuck"


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: Strides for Success Christmas Challenge

Strides for Success Christmas Challenge

I don't know about any of you, but I feel like part of me definitely feels like the above picture. The part of me that doesn't feel that way is definitely my horse side. I've definitely accomplished some pretty awesome things in the last year with my pony friends and I couldn't be happier about it. Now as it gets closer to 2017, I'm ready to start with a bang. 

The plan is to actually move back to Melody Farm and take advantage of the indoor for a few months! Especially because I've signed up for a couple of super awesome clinics that I can't wait for and have already talked to a trainer to work with through the winter... Where am I finding all this money? I haven't really found it yet but, it'll all work out right? I need to take advantage of the point that I'm not paying rent right now... I should save... But ponies.

Over the last couple of years I kept getting drawn to a website called which I'm not sure if you've heard about it (most of you may have because you're way more on the pony-ball than I am) but it's basically a site you can join and listen to audio riding lessons. I kept thinking... Well this is dumb... Can I really learn anything by just... Listening and not watching? Luckily, they are doing a 12 Day Christmas Challenge which comes with a free trial of the audio lessons! 

Thank you.

Today was Day 1 for me (it's not too late to join in!) and we had to pick a picture and a word that described 2016 for you and your horse. So I picked the super awesome shot Kate got at the Sinead Halpin clinic down in New Jersey and my word was #inspired.

Our relationship of 2016 and everything that we have experienced has definitely inspired what we're working towards in 2017, and I can't wait! 

In return for joining the #SFS12DaysofChristmas Challenge, I get to listen to this week's lesson... Which I did... And I took notes. Yes, I took notes. On a piece of paper... And although it was a lot of stuff I already knew, it was great to listen to and I was actually able to pick apart what I do wrong without even being on my horse. It was pretty great to just sit and concentrate one what she was saying instead of trying to ride, listen, and fix the issues... while your horse might just go bucking and bolting across the arena.

(Not that I would trade it for anything, but it's definitely cheaper!)

The first audio lesson lasted about 15 minutes but the whole week (marked Monday thru Friday) is available to you. I like that she portions them like that though. Then there's a checklist and a notepad you can type in and it will keep it filed for you in your account which is also pretty cool.

This week's lesson is on "Riding Straight through Transitions". The first lesson went through the things that a rider may lose as soon as the trainer says, "Okay, I want you to transition up into the canter... in the corner." She discusses riders being unable to relax therefore causing parts of the body to tense and not allowing the transition to just... happen. Sometimes causing the inability to keep contact, lose impulsion, and ultimately straightness, balance, and confidence.

I would definitely check it out, we'll see what tomorrow's lesson brings. It's something to do on a crappy, rainy, cold day that's for sure. Plus she has an accent so it kept my attention for sure... I tend to fidget a lot with Brantley these days especially in our transitions so he tends to run out in front of me and things completely fall apart. Mostly it's just me overthinking and just not riding.

Hoping everyone had an amazing weekend, hopefully I will get to ride in the upcoming days before the weekend. Oh the Holidays! #petsittinglife