Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Success

Mounting block success in the indoor today! Started with some drag in the lead but actually picked up the trot by my side with some slack. We worked on using the stirrups to move him forward and he started to shut down a couple of times but came right out of it when I tried to send him forward. I introduced disengaging his hindquarters by using the stirrups too and he picked it right up. He was really touchy at first but finally got the idea.

I don't want to push it so every time he gives me the slightest try we walk forward and go back to something he knows. I love when he starts to chew and yawn because it shows that he's thinking and understanding. The swish of the tail only tells me he's confused and I need to make things more clear for him. I'm trying to read him more and really look for signs that he's comfortable rather than just taking the 'abuse'. He's getting lighter as time goes on and gives in to the halter relaxing his neck when I back him from the halter knot. He's so smart and he works so hard. His diagonals are getting better and his picking his legs up and using his knees and his hind-end more and more. I can already see a difference in his back and the way he carries himself. He's also backing a lot straighter which is great. He's thinking about where his feet are and where they need to be.

Brantley tries so hard for me when we work our circles on the ground. He tips his nose to the inside and really tries to stay in shape but starts to fall apart at the trot. I really need to work on my timing when stepping into his shoulder and asking him to bend more... Brent wanted us to work on our upward and downward transitions on the circle from different walking and trotting speeds. B seems to like this exercise... But in all honesty it makes me dizzy!

Back to work tomorrow but hoping not to fall out of routine... Number one rule... Don't rush it.


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http://www.controlhaltdelete.com/ Tear Drop Winken: A Success

A Success

Mounting block success in the indoor today! Started with some drag in the lead but actually picked up the trot by my side with some slack. We worked on using the stirrups to move him forward and he started to shut down a couple of times but came right out of it when I tried to send him forward. I introduced disengaging his hindquarters by using the stirrups too and he picked it right up. He was really touchy at first but finally got the idea.

I don't want to push it so every time he gives me the slightest try we walk forward and go back to something he knows. I love when he starts to chew and yawn because it shows that he's thinking and understanding. The swish of the tail only tells me he's confused and I need to make things more clear for him. I'm trying to read him more and really look for signs that he's comfortable rather than just taking the 'abuse'. He's getting lighter as time goes on and gives in to the halter relaxing his neck when I back him from the halter knot. He's so smart and he works so hard. His diagonals are getting better and his picking his legs up and using his knees and his hind-end more and more. I can already see a difference in his back and the way he carries himself. He's also backing a lot straighter which is great. He's thinking about where his feet are and where they need to be.

Brantley tries so hard for me when we work our circles on the ground. He tips his nose to the inside and really tries to stay in shape but starts to fall apart at the trot. I really need to work on my timing when stepping into his shoulder and asking him to bend more... Brent wanted us to work on our upward and downward transitions on the circle from different walking and trotting speeds. B seems to like this exercise... But in all honesty it makes me dizzy!

Back to work tomorrow but hoping not to fall out of routine... Number one rule... Don't rush it.