Monday, April 15, 2013

Pictures n Videos

Fun videos of Ben & Brantley!
2nd run at Cherry Croft

I still have a bunch of pictures on my Dad's camera that I have to upload and go through. I promise I will get them up. Here are some pictures of my weekend! Fencing project included. Never ending work. I'm so behind on reading up on my fellow bloggers but Brantley is doing great. I received and text message from a barrel racing friend today about him and Ben. He was covered in stuff! Jugs with rocks, tarp, garbage bags, noodles, the whole shebang! Walked around quietly and calmly. Maybe a lay down tomorrow. I'm really excited to see him. I hate not seeing him every day. Bringing Brantley to Ben was the best decision I made. I've worked with horses with baggage but he had just a little more than I could handle alone, especially with everything going on. Plus, new friends are always a plus!

Kid's first time riding double. Getting on was the interesting part.
Brantley's Superman Cape!
Raking out the paddock.
Proof of hard work. Only way to drive a 4x4.
B and his saddle of stuff.
Finally relaxing.


At April 16, 2013 at 7:09 PM , Blogger L.Williams said...

Thanks for sharing, awesome media!

At April 16, 2013 at 8:36 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

Thanks! I'm definitely in need of an actual camera... Need to stop relying on my cellphone but hey, if it works! It's more pictures I've ever had of my OTTB.


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: Pictures n Videos

Pictures n Videos

Fun videos of Ben & Brantley!
2nd run at Cherry Croft

I still have a bunch of pictures on my Dad's camera that I have to upload and go through. I promise I will get them up. Here are some pictures of my weekend! Fencing project included. Never ending work. I'm so behind on reading up on my fellow bloggers but Brantley is doing great. I received and text message from a barrel racing friend today about him and Ben. He was covered in stuff! Jugs with rocks, tarp, garbage bags, noodles, the whole shebang! Walked around quietly and calmly. Maybe a lay down tomorrow. I'm really excited to see him. I hate not seeing him every day. Bringing Brantley to Ben was the best decision I made. I've worked with horses with baggage but he had just a little more than I could handle alone, especially with everything going on. Plus, new friends are always a plus!

Kid's first time riding double. Getting on was the interesting part.
Brantley's Superman Cape!
Raking out the paddock.
Proof of hard work. Only way to drive a 4x4.
B and his saddle of stuff.
Finally relaxing.