Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rainy Days

So I was really hoping to ride today before the rain especially since I skipped a ride and worked in the round pen last night. But of course I missed of but for good reason.

An old high school friend called me up a few weeks ago looking for a horse to star in his music video project for school. His vision? Evil knight rides up on a dark steed to take the ring from a rival... and kill him. Oh! Almost forgot to mention it was a magic ring. Obviously I could not use B for this seeing as the evil knight needed to wear a cloak... duh. So I mentioned it to a boarder (Maddie's owner) and she was thrilled, as long as I was the one riding. The guys were okay with that. Plan was to ride up, approach slowly but with purpose, then dismount. Then my friend (who is a lot broader in the shoulders, tall and well... a guy) would take over and do the stabbing.

It took a lot longer than I thought it would have, but it was worth it and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Nicole and I had planned to go out on a ride together but unfortunately the rain set in so we missed out. Instead we cleaned stalls together like the old days and chatted about life... and ponies. I brushed Brantley and turned him back out with his sheet. So much for trying to grow a coat this year. We got part way there but then New England decided we didn't get enough rain over the summer.

Hopefully I get out early tomorrow and it stops pouring long enough for us to get in a workout. But for now I'm enjoying the thunder and lightning and cuddling with the furry kids.


At October 23, 2014 at 12:02 PM , Blogger emma said...

ooh i'm excited to see how that turns out too - hope they let you share!

At October 23, 2014 at 3:51 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

I really hope he lets me share it... Or at least the blooper of me awkwardly dismounting and stabbing myself in the upper thigh with the sword... Too close to my lady parts for comfort!


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: Rainy Days

Rainy Days

So I was really hoping to ride today before the rain especially since I skipped a ride and worked in the round pen last night. But of course I missed of but for good reason.

An old high school friend called me up a few weeks ago looking for a horse to star in his music video project for school. His vision? Evil knight rides up on a dark steed to take the ring from a rival... and kill him. Oh! Almost forgot to mention it was a magic ring. Obviously I could not use B for this seeing as the evil knight needed to wear a cloak... duh. So I mentioned it to a boarder (Maddie's owner) and she was thrilled, as long as I was the one riding. The guys were okay with that. Plan was to ride up, approach slowly but with purpose, then dismount. Then my friend (who is a lot broader in the shoulders, tall and well... a guy) would take over and do the stabbing.

It took a lot longer than I thought it would have, but it was worth it and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Nicole and I had planned to go out on a ride together but unfortunately the rain set in so we missed out. Instead we cleaned stalls together like the old days and chatted about life... and ponies. I brushed Brantley and turned him back out with his sheet. So much for trying to grow a coat this year. We got part way there but then New England decided we didn't get enough rain over the summer.

Hopefully I get out early tomorrow and it stops pouring long enough for us to get in a workout. But for now I'm enjoying the thunder and lightning and cuddling with the furry kids.