Friday, February 6, 2015

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It... Okay stop.


I can't complain though... I mean I am a New Englander so it's just built into my system. You either freak out and stock up on milk and bread... Or you just say, whatever, I got a 4x4. Being sent home from work and missing hours sucks though.

Sorry I've been gone so long.

Brantley made it home safe and sound from Cherry Croft. CB got some work done but it was time to bring the boy home. Plus it was getting expensive and he's happier at home anyway. They had some pretty awesome rides together though. Of course so I could afford to have him there I worked my butt as much as I could so I didn't get to ride. Was planning on staying for February but... It snowed more and a lot of the field/rough boarders wanted to go full board so they needed the stall.

Buddy the Cat
I'm fully booked for pet-sitting from January 31st to about April. I'm okay with that. Especially because most of the jobs I can keep the boy with me. Stay with a couple of cats this past week and got to wake up to this view every morning...

Yes that's more snow.
We're supposed to get more snow this weekend so I was going to grow some balls and hop on B in his blanket and halter, but then temperatures decided to drop to like -10* after wind chill and freeze whatever was already on the ground. He had an incident already slipping on the ice (which Ciara from Primitive Equine solved immediately) so I'd rather not put either of us in jeopardy.

So much planned come Spring so I've got to bust my ass now!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well in pony land.

Missed everyone!


At February 7, 2015 at 12:46 PM , Blogger Bree said...

Love that pic!! But yeah the snow needs to ease up a bit. I'm totally okay with snow, but this is too much too soon!

Oh, by the way – we are having a birthday party for Kennedy in North Kingstown on April 18! Save the date! ;D

At February 7, 2015 at 4:44 PM , Blogger Madeline C. said...

I will!!!!!!! :)

At February 12, 2015 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

And I thought we had some rough weather!

At February 19, 2015 at 6:23 PM , Blogger Lauren said...

I'm both glad you're busy (because I know the need for making extra money) but I'm very sad at the same time because it means you won't get to come visit for MONTHS!!! :'(


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It... Okay stop.

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It... Okay stop.


I can't complain though... I mean I am a New Englander so it's just built into my system. You either freak out and stock up on milk and bread... Or you just say, whatever, I got a 4x4. Being sent home from work and missing hours sucks though.

Sorry I've been gone so long.

Brantley made it home safe and sound from Cherry Croft. CB got some work done but it was time to bring the boy home. Plus it was getting expensive and he's happier at home anyway. They had some pretty awesome rides together though. Of course so I could afford to have him there I worked my butt as much as I could so I didn't get to ride. Was planning on staying for February but... It snowed more and a lot of the field/rough boarders wanted to go full board so they needed the stall.

Buddy the Cat
I'm fully booked for pet-sitting from January 31st to about April. I'm okay with that. Especially because most of the jobs I can keep the boy with me. Stay with a couple of cats this past week and got to wake up to this view every morning...

Yes that's more snow.
We're supposed to get more snow this weekend so I was going to grow some balls and hop on B in his blanket and halter, but then temperatures decided to drop to like -10* after wind chill and freeze whatever was already on the ground. He had an incident already slipping on the ice (which Ciara from Primitive Equine solved immediately) so I'd rather not put either of us in jeopardy.

So much planned come Spring so I've got to bust my ass now!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well in pony land.

Missed everyone!