Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Challenge Continues

And this is how I feel about life right about now.

Adulting to the max and still having time to spend with my boys.

So Brantley had a bunch of blood work done... He's negative for Lyme which means next way to go is, well, ulcers. Yes... Ulcers. Which thinking about what he's gone through over the years in between his restarting and whatever he went through before I got him... I can't believe it's taken this long for it to rear it's ugly head. 10 days of Ulcer-Guard treatments to see if there's a difference and if so, either go for more treatments or do it the right way and get him scoped. We'll see what happens! But I have gotten a few rides in which is good and definitely a couple awesome bareback rides. Can't complain about that now can I? Let's just hope this is what he needs.

So the other battle...

Well here it is folks.
On the left you have Maddy, August 31st, 2015.
On the right? Maddy, January 24th, 2016.

What do we think?

I've got 20 days left of this contest and rocking it as hard as I can.

It's funny what happens when you finally realize that you're important. That taking the time to take care of yourself doesn't mean your selfish or don't care about anyone else. Without you, you can't be there to care for those who mean the most to you. I was getting to a point in my life where I was working so hard to please everyone else that I was slowly killing myself and I could feel it. Especially when it was affecting my riding.

I'm not petite. I never will be. I'm a mini-amazon woman. 5'5" 150-160lbs. I come from a line of farmers, laborers, and who knows what else. I'm built for endurance...

The battle is not over and just because I'm doing this challenge doesn't mean after the 45 days is over I'm going to go back to the lifestyle I grew accustomed to over the last few years. I deserve more... I deserve better. Why? Because I'm worth it.


At February 5, 2016 at 9:31 AM , Blogger emma said...

that's awesome, congrats girl!

At February 5, 2016 at 12:44 PM , Blogger L.Williams said...

Great job! :D I know I started really taking care of myself a while ago and its amazing how people can get upset at you for daring to take care of yourself. You keep rocking you!

At February 5, 2016 at 5:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look awesome! Congrats!

At February 5, 2016 at 5:56 PM , Blogger HolyBully said...

Holy tolito! You are a bad ass.

At February 7, 2016 at 3:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, looking good!


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<< Home Tear Drop Winken: The Challenge Continues

The Challenge Continues

And this is how I feel about life right about now.

Adulting to the max and still having time to spend with my boys.

So Brantley had a bunch of blood work done... He's negative for Lyme which means next way to go is, well, ulcers. Yes... Ulcers. Which thinking about what he's gone through over the years in between his restarting and whatever he went through before I got him... I can't believe it's taken this long for it to rear it's ugly head. 10 days of Ulcer-Guard treatments to see if there's a difference and if so, either go for more treatments or do it the right way and get him scoped. We'll see what happens! But I have gotten a few rides in which is good and definitely a couple awesome bareback rides. Can't complain about that now can I? Let's just hope this is what he needs.

So the other battle...

Well here it is folks.
On the left you have Maddy, August 31st, 2015.
On the right? Maddy, January 24th, 2016.

What do we think?

I've got 20 days left of this contest and rocking it as hard as I can.

It's funny what happens when you finally realize that you're important. That taking the time to take care of yourself doesn't mean your selfish or don't care about anyone else. Without you, you can't be there to care for those who mean the most to you. I was getting to a point in my life where I was working so hard to please everyone else that I was slowly killing myself and I could feel it. Especially when it was affecting my riding.

I'm not petite. I never will be. I'm a mini-amazon woman. 5'5" 150-160lbs. I come from a line of farmers, laborers, and who knows what else. I'm built for endurance...

The battle is not over and just because I'm doing this challenge doesn't mean after the 45 days is over I'm going to go back to the lifestyle I grew accustomed to over the last few years. I deserve more... I deserve better. Why? Because I'm worth it.