Winter Blues
How is it that it's March and I've still got the winter blues. I don't think I'm alone here.
Missing my pony time with Brantley & Ms. Lucy. Been working non-stop at the hospital plus all these pet-sitting jobs I've been getting. Can't really complain about that but I really need more pony time. The temperatures started to drop again and the fact that the weather is not helping with the kids and their... energy level... I really don't want to get them out, sweating, and trying to work their brain. And it's not like I can stop in the middle of a battle and say, we'll try again tomorrow. That's against everything I stand for. Fix it now so you don't have to fix it later. Luckily, for both horses it's getting quicker to get them back on the ground and into reality (even Lucy), so I know once we start again we'll be okay. Amanda started Lucy back which is great. Can't wait to get some riding time in with her and Natalie come Spring (and Kate once she's ready). Hopefully once we stay in the 30's (or even 20's) I'll get back into horse-mode.
A lot of stuff has been going on with myself and I keep toying with the thought of moving B to Sherry's. This isn't a secret at all. I continuously write my pros and cons list. Cons... No ring... But there are trails and stuff and supposedly they'll put up a ring once the ground thaws. Pros? Save money... Lots of money. Maybe pick up a second job. Cons... Kate, Amanda, Natalie... Cross-country... Trails... Pros... Main barn bologna... Did I mention saving money? But I don't want to take the chance of losing Brantley like I did when Lucky moved far away. Okay, it's not that far. It's an extra 15-20 minutes. Maybe I'll wait until fall and we'll get all the fencing up. Plus, Chevy can run around free at Sherry's and I don't have to worry about him taking off when I ride and running into the middle of the road. Or at least he won't get yelled at. Another pro? Pretty! But I've completely fallen in love with Ms. Lucy. Oh the joys of owning a horse.
I didn't make it past the 2nd round of Wakefield Idol, but I DID make everyone cry, including my mother. Yes, my mother did come. Even one of the judge's mother came up to me told me how amazing it was and how touched she felt. It was really hard to keep it together throughout the song because it's one that really gets to me probably every time I sing it. Kate took a video... I shall post it... ^.^ This means I'll take a break and go back to my regular karaoke nights. Take a break from all the fame *sarcasm*. I do miss performing though.
Nothing much else going on. I keep saying "once I get out of this funk" I'll get shit done. Now it's just a waiting game. I keep trying but obviously not hard enough. I'll get there. Thinking positively starting today. Done feeling like crap and waiting for nothing to happen.
Out at 5 tonight (yes I'm at work right now) so barn it is! Maybe I'll even make my way to the gym and show up to karaoke covered in sweat... Sexy!
Yeah, I'm feeling really shitty too - we need that sun and Vitamin D… of course, mine could also be my lack of medications for my crazy, but hey, I'm sure this extended winter isn't helping either >_< and being stuck in this freakin house doing work all day…. ok I'm done complaining. Srsly, POSITIVE THINKING, lets do this. lol.
This winter has been one of the roughest. Hang in there - spring has to show up sooner or later!!
You got the winter blues because you guys have snow and stuff, at least DST if you like it ( I don't but oh well lol)
You're allowed!
Fingers are crossed!
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