Friday, October 26, 2012

Video Clips!

In honor of Brantley's day off yesterday I thought I'd throw out a video - Trying to get my brothers to come and video/photograph him and I but I'm there too late at night so if anyone wants to volunteer! Brantley and I would surely appreciate it!

> Brantley and my first day together <

A lot of time in between... Now we're here.

> Mounting block fears are no more! <

And just for laughs!

> Shameful Puppy <


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Video Clips!

In honor of Brantley's day off yesterday I thought I'd throw out a video - Trying to get my brothers to come and video/photograph him and I but I'm there too late at night so if anyone wants to volunteer! Brantley and I would surely appreciate it!

> Brantley and my first day together <

A lot of time in between... Now we're here.

> Mounting block fears are no more! <

And just for laughs!

> Shameful Puppy <