Another fall, A couple good rides, Bad weather
So we had another fall the Sunday before last. It was post-awesome trail ride though so I really can't complain. We flew through the fields and between the power lines. Elijah finally made it through the stream and Brantley and I squeezed underneath low hanging trees and branches that fell during the nighttime winds. As we walked the last stretch of trail home I was way more relaxed than I should've been and we think he either fell asleep and spooked waking up, or he was stung by a "WINTER IS COMING" bee. I'm thinking it was the latter of the two but he leapt straight in the air and I came out of the saddle landing on his neck, he did a mini bolt, I rolled off to the side knowing there was no way of saving it, and did an awkward drag one-rein stop. He stopped, I dropped, got back up, made sure he was okay. Which he was fine of course. Like the hunter pace, he dropped his head into my hands and was like, "Oops... I'm sorry you fell." I was going to get back on but decided I'd rather wait until we got back to the barn.
The drama happened when I started to walk and my calf the was dragged start to tremble. I took a few steps and things started to get fuzzy as I stumbled a bit. It was like getting up too fast and things go white, except it got to the point where I couldn't see... Or hear. I felt nauseous and told the girls I may vomit, and as I bent over, my legs gave out and I collapsed... In a pricker bush. God dammit. I pulled in my knees and lowered my head, Wendy dismounted and I told her to call my Dad. Amanda called 911... I honestly started to get worried but I couldn't recall hitting my head.
I got up, took my horse, and kept walking (even though I was getting yelled at to sit down). I needed to just walk it off just a little bit. Me? Sit in a ball? Waiting for someone to rescue me in the middle of the woods? No way. I made it around the corner to the neighborhood and finally sat down. They came, I felt fine again. Everything came back and I wasn't even sore. Well... Minus the swelling in my knee. Oops. EMT asked me the normal questions.
EMT: "Month?"
Me: "October."
EMT: "Year?"
Me: "2014."
EMT: "What day of the week is it?"
Me: "Sunday? ... I mean I don't know that normally"
EMT: "Who's the president?"
Me: "Do I have to answer that?" ... At this time, my Dad appeared.
Dad: "QUICK! Ask her who the Three Stooges are!"
Me: "I mean... There are technically four."
Dad: "She's fine."
Anyway, I got back to the barn in one piece. No trip to the hospital. Yay! I was all ready to get back on but there was a pack of people waiting for me there... Not really interested in that drama. So I got lunch instead. Then hung out on the couch for the rest of the day.
I did get on the next day. And the day after that... And rode in the dark the day after that.
Then we had some shitty weather... We didn't end up going to the Hunter Pace.
But we've had some bonding time since. Worked in the round pen tonight, I'll hopefully get on tomorrow. Really need some cruising time... I'm hating my job right now. *sad face*
In other news! The Gift Card from SmartPak that I won't from L. Williams went to good use. Waiting for my SmartPak Bucket Insulator cover... If it doesn't work, I'll get something for myself instead.
I also did celebrate some Halloween Festivities... With minimal drama. That's something you DON'T want to read about. But my girl Morgan and I had a blast. <3
Oh... And... I wasn't sure what all the craze was about until I saw this on Instagram...
That is all.
bummer about the fall, but glad you're both ok!! and those pads are vurrrry drool-worthy
God, I love those saddle pads!! Sorry you fell, but sounds like you bounced back quickly! :-)
I'm glad that you didn't get hurt too bad! I'm thinking that I probably didn't need to see that Ogilvy picture. Like ever. I like the one I have, but don't completely love it. However, I might completely love one with sheepskin for no other reason than it now has sheepskin..
When you described what happened after , I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!! it was a drop in blood pressure!!! I had that happen to me while pregnant (due to thickened blood from pregnancy) and it was EXACTLY the same!!
PS: stop dying, ok? :P
Settle down there missy! No more getting hurt! It might make you feel better though if you get one of those sweet ogilvy pads. I know it would make me feel better...
Thanks and I couldn't agree more.
I was a little worried at first but it's normal for me not to panic and that usually helps me get back on my feet pretty fast.
Right? I keep reading about how awesome these pads are and I so haven't caught on to the world of fancy pads. I picked up a Micklem and that's pretty much as far as I've gotten in the tack world. And saddles? If it fits... I sits...
Luckily I'm still a live... For now ^.^ I have to give lessons to Kennedy before I go! And yeah, they think I went into some state of shock. I'm okay though!
If I came into a large some of money and could totally justify it? Damn straight... Money may not be able to BUY happiness... But it sure could buy things that make my pony happy which in turn would make me happy.
Ooh vagal response, always fun around horses. Glad you are OK. Next time stay down! Brains do better with blood in them, not in your toes ;) and I NEVER needed to see that pad with sheepskin. Good grief, hope Santa is very generous this year.
I'm glad I went down when I did, if I kept walking I would've ended up in a swamp instead of a pricker bush. And I agree. I could use a good visit from Santa.
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