Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Not So Much

Greetings from workaholic land!

As usual, playing some major catch up with you guys. Thanks for the continued comments about my "major adulting" post. I really appreciate everyone's support. The last few weeks have been completely insane... to the point I questioned my career choice but now that things have slowed down and I've had a chance to play catch up, I'm starting to feel better about it.

It definitely comes in waves but the ups are always better than the downs. Especially when I get to spend a little bit of time with this blondie. I truly hate when I can't bring him to a job with me and unfortunately I had a schedule the last few weeks where even spending 5 minutes with him was impossible. The final moment I walk through the door with my duffle bag reminds me how unconditional his love is. I'm so lucky.

The mystery of Brantley continues. It went from being head-shy to seemingly painful. I have a list that I'm running through. Supplements, Chiropractor, Tooth Fairy... Not in that order but I'm just checking one box at a time. We've had some good rides though, it's just difficult to put his bridle on and give him a neck scratch... We'll get to the bottom of it though. He's been great about having time off and then letting me hop on when we have a nice day. Of course I put snow shoes on and then the snow melted and no more in sight. Rather safe than sorry!

You can definitely tell he's ready to get back out there, minus the neck thing. He wants to work and if I don't ask him to work, that's when he starts to pull to the gate as if to say, "I'm bored, let's do something else." Which I have to say, is pretty awesome. Fingers crossed we figure it out... I keep feeling a tick thing but according to the vet... That's not the issue. Lyme came back negative and the rest of his blood-work looked great. She kept pushing ulcers but I just don't see it and neither does anyone else that I've talked to... But I ran him through a 10-day treatment to test a theory and there was no change. We shall see! Hopefully we'll be back on track in no time.


At February 24, 2016 at 6:48 PM , Blogger L.Williams said...

*fingers crossed* its nothing big and something easy to fix

At February 24, 2016 at 11:26 PM , Blogger Karley said...

Heres to easy answers soon!!

At February 25, 2016 at 9:10 AM , Blogger emma said...

good luck! i feel like this time is such a hard time of year for horses, hopefully it ends up just being something simple!


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Not So Much

Greetings from workaholic land!

As usual, playing some major catch up with you guys. Thanks for the continued comments about my "major adulting" post. I really appreciate everyone's support. The last few weeks have been completely insane... to the point I questioned my career choice but now that things have slowed down and I've had a chance to play catch up, I'm starting to feel better about it.

It definitely comes in waves but the ups are always better than the downs. Especially when I get to spend a little bit of time with this blondie. I truly hate when I can't bring him to a job with me and unfortunately I had a schedule the last few weeks where even spending 5 minutes with him was impossible. The final moment I walk through the door with my duffle bag reminds me how unconditional his love is. I'm so lucky.

The mystery of Brantley continues. It went from being head-shy to seemingly painful. I have a list that I'm running through. Supplements, Chiropractor, Tooth Fairy... Not in that order but I'm just checking one box at a time. We've had some good rides though, it's just difficult to put his bridle on and give him a neck scratch... We'll get to the bottom of it though. He's been great about having time off and then letting me hop on when we have a nice day. Of course I put snow shoes on and then the snow melted and no more in sight. Rather safe than sorry!

You can definitely tell he's ready to get back out there, minus the neck thing. He wants to work and if I don't ask him to work, that's when he starts to pull to the gate as if to say, "I'm bored, let's do something else." Which I have to say, is pretty awesome. Fingers crossed we figure it out... I keep feeling a tick thing but according to the vet... That's not the issue. Lyme came back negative and the rest of his blood-work looked great. She kept pushing ulcers but I just don't see it and neither does anyone else that I've talked to... But I ran him through a 10-day treatment to test a theory and there was no change. We shall see! Hopefully we'll be back on track in no time.