Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Oh the Life of a Vet Tech

Worked a split today. That's two 4-hour shifts. One from 8-12 and then I go back 4-8. During my break I took a nap to try and get rid of a headache and woke up in time to run to the barn and have a great cruise on the B-man.

He was great and we fit in a couple flying lead changes. 
I was stoked for the trail ride I had planned for tomorrow with Amanda and Kate with Maddy-horse and the Buxom Blonde...

You know when things just don't go as planned?

I've been bitten before... but not like this. Dog was out for blood and not even a basket muzzle was going to stop her. Let's just say, no trail ride for me tomorrow. Instead Kate is going to come and hopefully have a great ride to blog about. I may even try and set up a course for her... if I can pick up the poles...

I won't lie. I've dealt with some pretty intense caution pets but most have been scared or in pain and uncomfortable. I was confident in what I walked in the room to do and after the muzzle was put on I was completely sure we'd get in and out. It was only a simple injection. Yeah... no.

At least I've had some pretty awesome rides this week and already have the rest of the week off for Equine Affaire with the girls. The ER doc is definitely worried about infection so I have to be careful in my pony choices. Brantley has a few awesome Aunties that are willing to fill in though! 

I just hope they give me some stronger meds on Wednesday...


At November 11, 2014 at 12:54 AM , Blogger Karley said...

Oh no!!!! Not good :( Hope you heal fast and no infections!!

At November 11, 2014 at 8:00 AM , Blogger Jenn said...

Yeesh! That looks painful :(

At November 11, 2014 at 8:10 AM , Blogger Kalin said...

Awh :( That looks like it hurts! I hope you heal fast!

At November 11, 2014 at 8:18 AM , Blogger Carly said...

Yowza! Hope it heals up fast!

At November 11, 2014 at 10:34 AM , Blogger emma said...

that's a bad bite - yikes. hope it heals with no issue!

At November 11, 2014 at 11:40 AM , Blogger L.Williams said...

Ugghhh dog bitesss.. :(

Hopefully no infection. Also B man looks oh soooo cute!

At November 11, 2014 at 10:42 PM , Blogger HolyBully said...

Vet assistant over here too...and DAMN. Never been bit like that! Yikes! I hope you heal up fast and get back to the animal wrangling.

At November 14, 2014 at 8:16 AM , Blogger Hillary said...

Holy smokes! I'm glad youre okay.

At November 19, 2014 at 2:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Eeek! Glad the bite wasn't worse!

At November 19, 2014 at 9:28 PM , Blogger Lauren said...

I love that picture of Brantley


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http://www.controlhaltdelete.com/ Tear Drop Winken: Oh the Life of a Vet Tech

Oh the Life of a Vet Tech

Worked a split today. That's two 4-hour shifts. One from 8-12 and then I go back 4-8. During my break I took a nap to try and get rid of a headache and woke up in time to run to the barn and have a great cruise on the B-man.

He was great and we fit in a couple flying lead changes. 
I was stoked for the trail ride I had planned for tomorrow with Amanda and Kate with Maddy-horse and the Buxom Blonde...

You know when things just don't go as planned?

I've been bitten before... but not like this. Dog was out for blood and not even a basket muzzle was going to stop her. Let's just say, no trail ride for me tomorrow. Instead Kate is going to come and hopefully have a great ride to blog about. I may even try and set up a course for her... if I can pick up the poles...

I won't lie. I've dealt with some pretty intense caution pets but most have been scared or in pain and uncomfortable. I was confident in what I walked in the room to do and after the muzzle was put on I was completely sure we'd get in and out. It was only a simple injection. Yeah... no.

At least I've had some pretty awesome rides this week and already have the rest of the week off for Equine Affaire with the girls. The ER doc is definitely worried about infection so I have to be careful in my pony choices. Brantley has a few awesome Aunties that are willing to fill in though! 

I just hope they give me some stronger meds on Wednesday...